Welcome to Westfield!

Questions? Answers.

Worship with Us

Sundays at 10 am

on-site office hours

Mon-Thurs, 9a-12p

watch online


Where is the church?

Westfield Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is in downtown Danielson, Connecticut. Our address is 210 Main St., Danielson, CT 06239.  

Where do I park?

Limited parking is available in the lot directly behind the church accessible from Main Street. Additional parking is available on the streets surrounding the church.

What will the service be like?

Worship begins at 10 am. It is a style unto its own with elements of traditional and contemporary worship. Worship can last anywhere from 50 minutes to 1 hour and 20 minutes depending on the day and what we’ve got going on.

Must I be a member of Westfield to partake in Holy Communion?

The Communion table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ’s love… adults and children are welcome.

Is there a dress code at Westfield?

Wear what makes you comfortable. It is Connecticut and it can get cool!  On any given Sunday, given the season and temperature, a range of styles can be viewed… from suits to business casual to shorts.

How early should I arrive for service?

Arriving 10 to 15 minutes prior to the start of service will give you an opportunity to find a parking space, escort children to nursery if necessary, and find a seat in the Sanctuary.

Where do my children go during the service?

Children are welcome to attend worship services with their parents, but we also offer exciting and educational Sunday School programming for children aged 4 years  through the fifth grade.  Most children stay in worship through the Children’s Message then head to Sunday School.

Nursery care is also available for infants and toddlers.

Who's welcome at Westfield?
Rev. Jonathan is fond of saying, “Everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome.” He means it. And so do we. Click here to read our commitment to welcoming everyone.

What We Believe



We believe that God is a loving God who made the human being in God’s image. Therefore, all people are of value and loved by God.


In Christ, the head of the church, God conquers sin and reconciles the world to Divine Love. We believe in God, and we follow Jesus.

Holy Spirit

God’s continuing presence and activity in the world.


God, Christ, Holy Spirit are one.


A community of people united in Christ through worship, work, and witness--not a building.

The Bible

The inspired Word of God. We take scripture seriously, not literally.

Service to Others

The mission of the Church is to work for justice and to establish God’s Realm in the world.

The Sacraments

We celebrate two: Baptism and Communion. It is through baptism that persons are joined in faith with Jesus and accepted into the fellowship of the church. The breaking of bread and pouring of wine are done in remembrance of Christ’s death and his resurrection.



Faith isn't not asking questions. It's asking questions, doubting, believing, and trusting. It's messy, it's hard, it's worth it.

where to next?

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Meet Our TEAM

You are welcome

why westfield





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& Carb

the legacy of the springtime festival lingers

Danielson has long had a festival in the spring welcoming the warmer months of the year after the frozen, long winter nights that have kept us inside. The Daffodil Bazaar, Vendor Fair & Carb Carnival featuring the Springtime Classic 5k carries on that tradition. 



What's the same

Two events of previous SpringFest weekends will continue this year. All events open at 8am. The Springtime Classic 5k kicks off registration at 8am, with the run starting at 8:30am. Additionally, the doors of the church will swing open at 8am with have tons of vendors and crafters kicking off the Vendor Fair.



What's Newer

The Daffodil Bazaar returns for it's second blooming year! Westfield has long been known for its Winter Wonderland Bazaar & Craft Fair--a tradition more than 85 years in the making. This year, we're introducing our Carb Carnival--a springtime version featuring their famed bakery room, great raffles, and tons of fun for kiddos along with a tasty luncheon offering from 11a-1p. 



Where & when

All events start at Davis Park in Danielson beside Westfield Church, 210 Main St, Killingly. In the event of inclement weather, the vendor fair will move indoors at the church.

8:00a: Race Registration opens; Church Doors Open
8:30a: Springtime Classic 5k 
9:00a: Daffodil Bazaar & Vendor Fair opens with activities for kiddos
11:00a: Luncheon begins at Daffodil Bazaar
 1:00p: Events Conclude


Westfield Church

210 Main Street
Killingly, CT 06239
Mon-thur, 9a-12p

(860) 774-8438