
Join us for Worship at Westfield.

Worship Time

Worship begins at 10 am

Are kids welcome?

YES! We love kids at Westfield! We’ve got special kids programming just on the horizon! Stay tuned!

How do I get in?

doors open for worship approximately 30 minutes prior to the start of the service.

Where are you located

Our address is 210 Main Street, Killingly, CT. Parking is available behind the church or along Reynolds, Main, or Broad Streets.

Worship is central to our life at Westfield. 

It is the core spiritual practice reminding us of God’s care for God’s creation, during which God calls us and equips us to nurture one other, and sends us forth to care for those outside our community of faith. A diverse community, Westfield brings together people from the many diverse Christian traditions.

We attempt to be consistent and broad in language and liturgy; music and word; and purpose and execution. This displays, affirms, and deepens our goal of remaining connected yet open; structured yet warm; and progressive yet grounded.

Westfield follows the seasonal and liturgical calendar of the church year.

Our practice is to include Holy Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month. Our table is open to all.


The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is the sign and seal of God’s covenant with all people. In baptism God promises by grace alone: to forgive our sins; to adopt us into the Body of Christ, the Church; to send the Holy Spirit daily to renew and cleanse us; and to resurrect us to eternal life. This promise is made visible in the water of baptism.

We rejoice in celebrating this sacrament for all infants and previously unbaptized adults. Much of our liturgy of baptism consists of promises made not just by the infant’ parents, or the adult being baptized, but also by the entire congregation. When someone is baptized at Westfield, we promise our “love, support, and care” to them.

Because baptism requires the congregation to make this promises, it occurs within the context of a worship celebration. We also ask that parents who seek the sacrament of baptism for their children plan to be a part of our faith community into the future so that we may live out our baptismal vows.

Baptism is offered throughout the year, and can be arranged by speaking the pastor.

I've already been baptized, but want to be baptized again.
How wonderful to be baptized! In our tradition we do not re-baptize. We believe that Baptism is an act of God and that those waters run deep regardless of tradition it was performed in. We will be glad to organize a reaffirmation of your Baptism which would include the renewal of your Baptismal vows.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion

The sacrament of communion is is a feast of remembrance, of communion, and of hope. It is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. We believe that it is Christ who invites us to gather around his table, and so that table is open to everyone, everyone, everyone.

One of the oldest rituals in the Christian tradition, sharing Communion connects us to Christians around the world sharing the same feast and through time to Christians through the ages who have gathered around similar tables.

How do I take Communion?

Communion is served by coming forward to receive. 


After a prayer called The Great Thanksgiving, you will be invited forward. You will be offered a piece of bread. Take it and eat it. Then take a small cup of juice, drink it, and return to your seat.

In an effort to welcome all, we use nonalcoholic grape juice.  God’s children of all ages are welcome to partake.

Can’t make in-person worship? Watch the livestream!

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& Carb

the legacy of the springtime festival lingers

Danielson has long had a festival in the spring welcoming the warmer months of the year after the frozen, long winter nights that have kept us inside. The Daffodil Bazaar, Vendor Fair & Carb Carnival featuring the Springtime Classic 5k carries on that tradition. 



What's the same

Two events of previous SpringFest weekends will continue this year. All events open at 8am. The Springtime Classic 5k kicks off registration at 8am, with the run starting at 8:30am. Additionally, the doors of the church will swing open at 8am with have tons of vendors and crafters kicking off the Vendor Fair.



What's Newer

The Daffodil Bazaar returns for it's second blooming year! Westfield has long been known for its Winter Wonderland Bazaar & Craft Fair--a tradition more than 85 years in the making. This year, we're introducing our Carb Carnival--a springtime version featuring their famed bakery room, great raffles, and tons of fun for kiddos along with a tasty luncheon offering from 11a-1p. 



Where & when

All events start at Davis Park in Danielson beside Westfield Church, 210 Main St, Killingly. In the event of inclement weather, the vendor fair will move indoors at the church.

8:00a: Race Registration opens; Church Doors Open
8:30a: Springtime Classic 5k 
9:00a: Daffodil Bazaar & Vendor Fair opens with activities for kiddos
11:00a: Luncheon begins at Daffodil Bazaar
 1:00p: Events Conclude


Westfield Church

210 Main Street
Killingly, CT 06239
Mon-thur, 9a-12p

(860) 774-8438